Website Care Package: How Agent Solution Delivers Long-Term Success

Investing in Your Estate Agency’s Future: How our Ongoing Website Care Package Delivers Long-Term Success


The digital age has brought an abundance of opportunities for businesses, including Estate Agencies, to establish a strong online presence. With the right tools and support, a well-designed and functional website can significantly boost your agency’s success. We specialise in providing fully managed Estate Agent websites, designed to ensure your agency stands out from the crowd. A key offering is our Ongoing Care Package, a two-year maintenance plan that delivers premium support, updates, and content management. In this blog, we discuss the value of this package and how it contributes to your Estate Agency’s long-term success.

The Ongoing Care Package: An Overview

The Ongoing Care Package is designed to provide Estate Agencies with unparalleled support and maintenance, ensuring their websites remain competitive and up-to-date. Key elements of the package include:

  • Premium support: Agent Solution assigns a dedicated account manager to your project. This ensures you receive personalized assistance and guidance whenever you need it. This includes help with making website updates, addressing concerns, and more.
  • Content management: Our content request system allows you to utilise your dedicated account manager to alter or add new content to your website.
  • Two-year commitment: Continuous website support and maintenance are crucial for long-term success. The Ongoing Care Package covers a two-year period, demonstrating Agent Solution’s commitment to your agency’s future.

Long-Term Benefits of the Ongoing Care Package

Investing in the Ongoing Care Package can lead to several long-term benefits for your Estate Agency:

  • Enhanced website performance: Regular updates and bug fixes ensure your website remains in optimal condition, providing a better user experience and reducing downtime.
  • Improved customer experience: By keeping your website up-to-date with industry trends and addressing user needs, you can create a positive impression on potential clients, improving your chances of winning their business.
  • Better search engine visibility: A well-maintained website with fresh content and regular updates is more likely to rank higher on search engines, driving more organic traffic and increasing brand visibility.

Cost-Effectiveness: Why the Ongoing Care Package is Worth the Investment

Compared to other website support options in the market, the Ongoing Care Package from Agent Solution offers exceptional value. The financial benefits of this package include:

  • Competitive pricing: The Ongoing Care Package is included in the Agent Solution service plan at no additional cost, making it an affordable option compared to other website support services.
  • Long-term savings: A well-maintained website can reduce potential future expenses related to fixing major issues or completing website overhauls, saving you money in the long run.
  • No additional charges: As mentioned earlier, the Ongoing Care Package is included in the Agent Solution service plan. This means you won’t have to worry about surprise fees or additional costs for two full years.

Real-Life Success Stories: Estate Agencies Thriving with the Help of the Ongoing Care Package

Numerous satisfied clients have seen their businesses flourish with the support of Agent Solution and the Ongoing Care Package. These testimonials and case studies highlight the positive impact of the package on Estate Agencies’ online presence, client acquisition, and overall success.


In today’s competitive real estate market, a well-designed and well-maintained website is vital for long-term success. Agent Solution’s Ongoing Care Package delivers exceptional value and a comprehensive range of support services. This ensures your Estate Agency stays ahead of the competition. By investing in us, you can secure your agency’s future and enjoy the benefits of a strong online presence.

Agent Solution’s commitment to your Estate Agency’s success goes beyond the initial website design and launch. The Ongoing Care Package is an investment in your business’s future, offering you the support and resources needed to maintain a powerful online presence. The two-year maintenance plan guarantees long-term support, enabling your agency to adapt and grow in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

To maximize the potential of your Estate Agency, consider partnering with Agent Solution and taking advantage of their Ongoing Care Package. This comprehensive maintenance plan will not only help you establish a strong online presence but also ensure it remains consistent and effective in attracting clients and securing your agency’s long-term success. So, take the first step towards a bright future for your Estate Agency by choosing Agent Solution’s expert services and unparalleled support.

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