Frequently Asked Questions

Looking to get started with us? Excellent choice! We know you have questions, so here are some FAQs to get you up to speed.

Can’t find what you are looking for? You can contact us directly here.

Platform Questions

  • How do I sign-up?

    It’s simple! Complete our contact form or chat with one of our team members using our chat feature in the corner of this website. We’ll talk about your needs, arrange a payment plan, and direct you to the sign-up page.

  • What happens after I sign-up?

    When you are signed-up, we’ll promptly set up a discovery call where we will collect all of the necessary information. Once collected, we will proceed to build your new website on a staging domain, which leaves your current website completely unaffected until you’re ready to switch over!

  • How long does it take to make my website?

    As your website is a bespoke design and build, we can’t rush perfection! After receiving all the required information, your site will be ready in 8-10 weeks. We’re dedicated to meeting deadlines without sacrificing quality.

  • What if I don't like the way my website looks?

    We ask for your favourite websites, brand fonts, and colours during the sign-up process so we can tailor the design to your requirements. If unsatisfied, share your feedback, and we’ll make the necessary adjustments until you’re happy.

  • Is my website SEO ready?

    Absolutely! We use WordPress, optimise on-page SEO, and images, and create an XML sitemap for Google Search Console indexing to get you ranking right away. Our SSL certificates and fast website loading speeds ensure a solid SEO foundation.

  • Can you manage the sites content for me?

    Yes! We will complete the entire build for you and hand over a complete website. We also manage everything on the website if you want us to, which is covered in your monthly charge! We can even produce the content for you if you’d like, check out our addons for content writing packages!

  • Can I connect my own domain name?

    Yes! We connect your domain direct to our server, so you keep full control of your domain and emails accounts.

  • Do I need to have all of my content ready before starting?

    Although it’s recommended to have your content ready, we can work on the design while you provide written content. We’ll also offer a content outline for guidance. Please note, however, that any delayed content will delay the delivery of the website.

  • Do you offer Domain and Email hosting?

    No, we only connect your domain to our server, leaving you in charge.

  • What's included in the service?

    Our comprehensive package features elegant design, custom contact forms, mobile optimisation, fast servers, SSL certificates, WordPress building, and on-page SEO for a successful online presence.

  • Can I add more pages?

    Yes! New pages are charged at £99 per page. Complete this form to add a new page to your website!

  • Will I own the website?

    Yes! After your contract is complete, the website is yours. You can manage it independently or stick with us on a reduced ongoing care plan.

  • What website platform do you use?

    In summary, we choose WordPress as our primary platform for building websites because of its customisability, user-friendliness, SEO capabilities, consistent updates, large community, scalability, and mobile optimisation. These advantages make it an ideal choice for creating robust, successful websites tailored to each client’s needs.

Payment Questions

  • How much does it cost to sign-up?

    Joining costs £500 which covers CRM connection and website creation, with no hidden costs. Our straightforward monthly plan costs £99 for a 24-month contract. A credit card is required for secure, convenient first-month payment.

  • Why a monthly fee?

    Traditional professionally built websites can end up costing a small fortune. Our affordable, user-friendly service caters to businesses with limited budgets and ensures smooth website operation.

  • Can I cancel my payment?

    Yes, but early termination incurs a 50% fee of the remaining balance. If you wish to cancel your contract and take your website to another hosting provider or management team, the remaining balance of your contract must be paid in full, and we’ll transfer the website files over to you.

  • Do you provide any warranties?

    Definitely! Your subscription includes free fixes for any website issues you have with your website.

  • How do you collect payment?

    We use Go Cardless to collect our payments using a Direct Debit.

  • What happens if I miss a payment?

    Our Payment Software will send you an email reminder to pay the outstanding bill. After 2 missed payments your website will be put on pause. If you are struggling to keep up with payments, speak to our team to see how we can help, we are humans after all!

  • Are there any charges for technical support?

    No, technical support is included in your monthly subscription.

  • What's next after my contract ends?

    You can renew for a free redesign, switch to lower rate a month-to-month care plan, or manage your website independently.

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